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Ascent Classical Academy of Douglas County considers it our special mission to develop the mind and spirit of our students, and take great ownership in our school traditions. Over the years we have taken many ideas from our sister schools and built them into the fabric of each school year. School-wide participation in our traditions helps every student to find his or her place in our community. Below are some of our favorite traditions:

Opening Ceremonies 

Students of all grades gather weekly to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and school pledge together. Students will also receive encouraging words from our headmaster and assistant headmasters and awards will be awarded.

Constitution Day

Every September 17th, we celebrate Constitution day.  The students are encouraged to memorize the constitution in exchange for a hot dog at lunch grilled by our Headmaster and Assistant Headmasters.  In all history classes, special attention is given to the study of the constitution on this day.

Celebration of Scholé

Near the last day of October we have Celebration of Scholé. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in costume inspired by their grade level’s history/literature lessons during the first semester. What is Scholé? Scholé, the Greek word for “leisure,” is the root of the word “school,” and can be described as restful learning. Leisure is not the cessation of work, but work of another kind, work that restores us as human beings. It is characterized by vigorous energy and wonder. This is the classical ideal of education which culminates in philosophy – its goal: seeking Truth.

Guardian Games

During the last week of school, students compete in mental and physical competitions between classes on the same grade level for the grammar school and between houses for the upper school.

Cantharus Optimus

This scholarship competition is done between several schools in BSCI to encourage camaraderie. Students will participate in grade-level projects, the best projects will be collected and sent as Ascent DougCo submissions for the Cantharus Optimus competition.

Various Grade Level Rites of Passage

6th Grade Spring House Induction, 7th grade Cotillion, 8th Grade Washington D.C. trip, and Senior trip are all examples of some of our grade level rites of passage.