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Charter School Governing Board

Click Here to View Governing Board Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Ascent Classical Academy Charter Schools are governing by a board of directors and referred to as the Governing Board.

“To develop graduates in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes the principles of virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.”

The Governing Board oversees budgeting and spending, community outreach, charter fidelity, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and development to support the program. More specific responsibilities of the board include but are not limited to:

Advocacy Serving as ambassadors for the school by clearly protecting and articulating the school’s mission and goals and by garnering support of the community.

School Leader Support Providing input and feedback to the school leader on campus-specific issues and concerns (e.g. school culture, discipline policy, student recruitment, etc.)

Supporting the principal by ensuring that he has the moral and professional support he needs to further the goals of the school

Fiscal Accountability Participating in the budgeting process each year, providing advice and feedback to the principal

Monitoring the management of financial resources by approving the annual budget and ensuring that proper financial controls are in place

Financial reporting of the Treasurer to the board as required in the bylaws to ensure the board is “hands-on” as it relates to fiscal controls and responsibility.

Development / Fundraising Assuring there are adequate resources for the school to fulfill its mission by raising funds from the local school community

Compliance Monitoring and ensuring compliance with the Colorado Department of Education regulatory statutes and other local, state, and federal laws by regularly reviewing school policies, programs, and practices.

Reviewing school data against charter and charter goals to ensure compliance with the vision, strategies and objectives identified herein

Other Serving as the grievance board for parent and staff concerns that are unable to be resolved by the school leader.

Actively recruiting new board directors.

In summary, the Board is accountable for the academic, financial, legal, and operational performance for the charter schools it oversees. The Board places responsibility for implementing its policies with the Executive Director of Ascent Classical Academies and the headmasters at each campus, but the Board remains accountable.

Voting members of the Governing Board are:

  • Mr. Rob Williams: Board Chair/Treasurer
  • Mr. Stephen Gilmartin: Vice-Chair
  • Mr. Allen Fuller: Secretary
  • Mr. Rick Gillan: Director
  • Mr. Steve Peck: Director

Correspondence to the Board should be directed to