Our Philosophy
We believe athletics is an important part of a well-rounded education. Certain virtues are difficult to practice in a classroom. The field of competition and physical training is an arena for that practice. Students are pushed beyond limits, taught discipline, and are forced to practice strength and virtue when they are tired, losing, or extended beyond the comfort of a typical classroom.
What We Offer
Middle School Boys Soccer
Middle and High School Girls Volleyball
Middle and High School Cross Country
Middle School Boys Basketball
Middle School Girls Basketball
High School Boys Basketball
Middle and High School Track and Field Middle School Boys Flag Football Middle School Girls Soccer
Registration and Fees
High school registration: $200 per student, or a $400 family max
Middle school registration: $150 per student, or a $400 family max
Click here for Athletics registration.
Athletics Handbook (Updated version coming soon!)
Acknowledgment and Receipt of Athletics Handbook (Updated version coming soon!)
Pre-Participation Physical Eligibility Form
Athletic Emergency Medical Authorization
Contact Info
Our Athletic Director, Mr. Jerry McWhorter may be reached by email: jerry.mcwhorter@dc.ascentcolorado.org